What is Xpert Tutor?
Xpert Tutor is a home tuition service platform. Where anyone can find xpert tutor in a click, without the hassle and tiresome ways of asking your family, friends, and neighbor for tuition teachers for them or their child. We help in connecting experienced, professional, and qualified home tutors with parents in a hassle-free way. We help home tutors in finding home tuitions near their area in a click.
How can I register with Xpert Tutor as a Home Tutor?
Registering as a home tutor with Xpert Tutor is fairly easy, you just need to follow these steps-
  1. Fill in the Become Tutor form
  2. Complete the profile by filling in all the required details.
  3. Once you get verified by us you can apply to tuition jobs near your area you will also be notified about the home tuitions near your area.
  4. Apply on the tuition jobs near your area.
  5. Once you get selected you will be provided with the details of the tuition job and give 2 demo classes.
  6. If your demo classes are done and parents select you, you can continue with classes.
Is there any registration fee?
No. Registration as a tutor, with Xpert Tutor, is completely free of cost. Though you have to show complete sincerity with the given tuition job. Any default with the given tuition job will result in you getting blacklisted. And no further tuitions will be given to you.
Do you charge every month from tuition fees?
No. We do not charge every month. We take a one-time percentage from the first-month fee which varies from 30% to 50%. This is taken to provide you with awesome service and comfort at which you get home tuitions in a click.
How much can I earn as a Home Tutor?
The earning depends on various factors such as the classes you teach, your experience and qualification.
Do I need to visit students' homes?
Yes, Xpert Tutor is a home tutoring platform where teachers are required to travel to student's homes. We notify you about the tuition jobs which are near to you or the area which you have chosen while registering as a home tutor with us.
What is the procedure to get tuitions?
Once, you have successfully registered with Xpert Tutor. You will get notification of the tuition jobs which are best suited for you. You will have to apply to the tuition jobs and wait for processing your request if your application is approved, you will be provided with the details of tuition job. Thereafter you have fix demo class by contacting parents and give 2 days demo classes. If you are selected you can continue with the tuition given.
Will I get paid for Demo classes?
As an industry practice, demo classes are for free. Demo class acts as an avenue for parents, students, and teachers to know each other before finalizing the tuition classes. You will NOT be paid for the demo class
What will be the payment procedure?
Xpert Tutor will collect the first-month fees of the tuition in advance from parents, and you will receive the remaining fee(after the deduction of our commission) at the end of the first month by cash( you have to collect from our office), Bank and UPI transfer
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